Ramlösa Södra IF/Idrott för alla Helsingborg
Sports for All is not under the municipality’s LSS operations, but is run as an independent section and belongs to the football association Ramlösa Södra IF.
Sports for All is Ramlösa SödraIF’s section for children and young people with disabilities.
Here there are no performance requirements that exclude anyone and our philosophy is to start from the individual’s conditions and abilities. Most of it is built on play and having fun together.
Sport for All is responsible for football being conducted in the best way.
The leaders are responsible for training/activity being carried out and that materials are available.
Activity: Games and play with football and Bowling
Target groups: Youth, Adults
Contact: Mia Phil
E-mail: mia.phil@ramlosasodra.se
Site: Ramlösa södra/Sports for all
Address: Planteringsvägen 141 C