Alla Kan Gympa
Alla kan gympa is an activity for people with disabilities, e.g. mobility impairments, neuropsychiatric disabilities and people with developmental disabilities.
Among other things, you can train basic motor skills, coordination, strength and endurance and move to music.
We play games, build courses and test different types of equipment so that you can train your body in as many different ways as possible.
Some groups have a particular focus on their activities and practice, for example, mostly trampoline, exercise gymnastics or parkour, others practice mixed apparatus gymnastics every time.
We have something exciting, fun and engaging for everyone..
If you are interested in knowing more about Alla kan Gympa, you are welcome to contact us or follow Alla Kan Gympa on Facebook where you can take part in a lot of nice pictures from all the different events that take place.
• Activity: Exercising and having fun. Parkour. Wheelchair no problem.
• Target groups: Children, Youth, Adults
• Contact: Birgitta Green
• Telephone: 0736-203617
• Email: allakangympa@gmail.com
• Site: Everyone can do gym HB
• Address: Torbornavägen 4 Ättekulla
• City: Helsingborg