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Live and participate in your society
Associations offer varies ways helping you to enjoy your life without any troubles and present a lot of activities, events and courses for a better everyday life
Learning, development and having fun
There are a lot of activities you can join will help you enjoying your life and gaining a new skills by courses, trainings, practices and sports for your mental and physical health
Enjoy your everyday life
Our community represented in Government, non-governmental organizations and companies supports people with disabilities every day and every moment in every way like financial assistance, accessibility accommodations, vocational training, healthcare services, and legal protections.
A barrier-free environment
Designing spaces for people with disabilities requires careful consideration to provide a place where the objective is to include everyone
Our Moments
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“Tack själv för ett trevligt och givande möte!
Lycka till med Mitt speciella barn“
“Tack Mohamed Askalani för all din hjälp och att du sprider informationen om Code_X“
تحية شكر لكم من القلب على جمال أمسية البارحة ..
أدخلتم السرور لقلوب الأطفال وأهلهم..
بارك الله في جميع القائمين على العمل من صاحب الحدث الأخ محمد إلى المنظمين للحفل الذين قاموا بجهد يشكرون عليه من شباب وفتيات .. جعل الله ذلك شافعا لكم لا عليكم
يوم لا ينفع مال ولا بنون
Our partners
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