Autism Sverige
Autism Sweden is a non-profit organization with approximately 18,700 members distributed in 24 district associations.
What is the association’s goal?
The association works in various ways to improve the living conditions of these groups, mainly as:
– Dissemination of information about autism to improve knowledge and understanding among the public, families and professionals
– Work for adapted education, living conditions and profession
– Provide opportunities for people with disabilities, their families and staff to meet and exchange knowledge and experiences
– Participate in the international collaboration
– Follow up and make suggestions for research in this area
Books, films, information materials
To improve knowledge about autism, Asperger’s syndrome and other autistic conditions, we produce and sell books, films and other informational material.
Education Center
Utbildningscenter Autism AB is a non-profit company owned by Autism Sweden. The training center offers training to professionals, people with disabilities and their families.